Shoofly Indian Ruins
Gila County, AZ

Welcome to the
Shoofly Indian Ruins

The Shoofly Indian Ruins were believed to have been occupied between A.D. 1000-1250. At an elevation of 5,240 feet, Shoofly Village once had a total of 79 structures of which the rock outlines, once the base of the walls, are still visible.

At the center of this site is where a larger structure once existed, believed to have been a building with 26 rooms averaging 37.4 square meters each, and part of this structure was perhaps two stories high. In clusters around the core area were 39 smaller structures and 14 more were scattered about the general area and at least one of these structures had a curved wall.

The entire compound of approximately 3.75 acres (1.5 hectares) is enclosed by a small rock fence.  This site is very fragile and we request that you take care as you view it, so that it may be preserved.

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Check the Forest Service prior to going and make sure the roads are open.

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