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Hiking the
Payson Ranger District
The Payson Ranger District is located on all four side of the town of Payson, and continues north to the Mogollon Rim. It consists of approximately 450,000 acres (approximately 182,000 hectares) of Chaparral, Pinyon-Juniper, and Ponderosa Pine types of vegetation. The Verde River and several trout streams pass through this district. The Payson Ranger District is notable for its campgrounds, hiking trails, and fishing opportunities.
This District operates differently than the rest of the forest. The Tonto Pass is not valid on the Payson Ranger District. Day-use and camping fee sites on the Payson Ranger District are managed by the concessionaire located at Houston Mesa Campground.
Contact Information:
Address: 1009 E. Highway 260, Payson, Arizona 85541
Phone: (928) 474-7900
Fax: (928) 474-7966

Abert Nature Trail 3
The Abert Natural Trail was named after the Abert Squirrel that makes its home in the Ponderosa pines. This squirrel is also called a tassel-eared squirrel because their tassels are very distinct during the colder parts of the year, but almost disappear during the summer months. This trail is a self-guided trail utilizing a brochure to explain the forest environment of this area. To obtain this brochure, contact the Campground Host at the Ponderosa Campground.
Difficulty Level: Easy

Arizona Trail - Highline Trail
East from the Pine Trailhead the trail climbs two long, gentle switchbacks ending at an open area overlooking the eastern front of the Mazatzal Range. Working its way east along the Highline Trail (#31), it skirts the southern edge of Milk Ranch Point, passes a nice camping site at Red Rock Spring and crosses Webber Creek at the Geronimo Trailhead. Read More
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Babe Haught Trail 143
This trail, built by Babe Haught and his brother, was used to pack crops and supplies in and out of Winslow. There are great views of the surrounding valley and mountains. Fire is an important aspect of the wild environment. The "Dude Fire” of 1990 burned this area; thus, it is an ideal place to observe how our forests rejuvenate themselves after a fire.
Difficulty Level: Most Difficult

Bear Foot Trail
Bear Foot Trail is a 5.4 mile lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Pine, Arizona that features beautiful wild flowers. The trail is rated as moderate and is primarily used for hiking and mountain biking. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.
Difficulty: Easy | Watch Video>>

Barnhardt Trail 43
Scenic but with long uphill grades. One of the heaviest-used trails in the Mazatzal Wilderness. At the end of the trail there is a very cool waterfall. Best chance to catch water flowing is in the spring or late fall. Amazing views the the valley and the northern Rim Country.
Difficulty: Moderate | Watch Video>>

Brody Seep Trail 264
1.5 miles long. Chilson Camp is located on this trail. Elevation: 5,400 - 6,000 feet. No more than 15 people are allowed to be in a group. No more than 15 head of livestock are allowed in a group. This hike has some pretty rugged terrain, be sure to be adequality equipped and prepared for this adventure.
Difficulty: Moderate

Brush Trail 249
This is a short connector between two longer trails of the Mazatzals, Bull Spring and Red Hills, and its full length is well-maintained and part of the Arizona Trail. Its relatively short length makes it easy to blink and miss for thru-hikers. Starting halfway-up the climb from East Verde River towards the heights of Knob Mountain.
Difficulty: Easy

Colonel Devin Trail 290 and Railroad Tunnel Trail
Fort Whipple military personnel used a trail in this location to find renegade Apaches; the trail was named after Colonel Thomas C. Devin who led this group. In the early 1880`s, the Arizona Mineral Belt Railroad made plans to cash in on the need for transportation of ore from Globe to the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad in Flagstaff.
Difficulty: Most Difficult

Deadman Mesa Trail 17
Located in the northern part of the Mazatzal Wilderness area. Parts are rocky and very steep. Portions of trail in Fossil Creek may be washed out. The condition of the trail varies from satisfactory to very poor. Not recommended for horses. Courtesy Hikearizona.com
Difficulty: Difficult

Derrick Spur Trail 32
This trail winds through the Ponderosa pine forest. Spring brings many wildflowers. Autumn showcases fall foliage. The trail begins near the junction of State Highway 260 and Forest Road (FR) 289. Look for a cattle guard. The trail starts at the fence; walk through. Derrick Spur Trail traverses small hills but travel is easy. This trail offers an alternative access to Derrick Trail 33.
Difficulty: Easy

East Webber Trail 289
The trail crosses Webber Creek 7 times. The entire length has plenty of shade. Near trails end (directly across the creek) is a spring flowing out of a hole at the base of the Mogollon Rim. There are large flat rocks in the creek for play and relaxation.
Difficulty: More Difficult

Fisher Trail 230
Parts are steep and very rocky. Passes through some nice stands of trees. This trail provides an alternate route from Brody Seep junction to Bear Spring, swinging low into the tributaries of South Fork Deadman Creek instead of climbing up along the Mazatzal Divide Trail (AZT). Mileage is about the same, though the view are less grand due to the lower elevation. Courtesy Hikearizona.com
Difficulty: More Difficult

Fossil Springs Trail 18
One of Arizona's favorite swimming holes. But the trail to this paradise is not for Spectacular early morning and late afternoon views of the Mogollon Rim. Fossil Springs is a riparian area with plenty of shade. There are limestone caves along the trail. Trail’s end is near a swimming hole with a massive water fall. This trail has been featured in Arizona Highways magazine.
Difficulty: More Difficult

Half Moon Trail 288
Well-constructed trail running generally on contour at base of mountains. Suitable for short day-hikes. Connects Barnhardt TH (FS 419) and Rock Creek TH (FS 442) on the lower eastern foothills of the Mazatzal range. Please note the FS lists this trail as #288 however it's signed #42. The hike starts off at an elevation of 4,175ft from the Barnhardt Trailhead.
Difficulty: Moderate

Hell's Gate Trail 37
11 miles in length – and sometimes challenging. While the hiker faces several moderate to steep climbs on the route to Hell’s Gate, the real challenge is getting back out. The trial climbs steadily for the first 1.5 – 2 miles leaving Hell’s Gate. The last half-mile into Hell’s Gate is unsafe for horses. Overnight camps with livestock are strongly discouraged at Hell’s Gate.
Difficulty: Difficult

Highline Trail 31
East from the Pine Trailhead the trail climbs two long, gentle switchbacks ending at an open area overlooking the eastern front of the Mazatzal Range. Working its way east along the Highline Trail (#31), it skirts the southern edge of Milk Ranch Point, passes a nice camping site at Red Rock Spring and crosses Webber Creek at the Geronimo Trailhead. Courtesy aztrail.org
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Horton Creek Trail 285
Horton Spring is an unusually large spring. Water literally gushes from the side of the rim supplying Horton Creek. Think of the Rim as a huge sponge and Horton Spring is the faucet. The Trails starts from the parking area cross the concrete bridge. Continue on the pavement up the hill heading towards the campgrounds. The trailhead is on the left side of this road.
Difficulty Level: Easy

Myrtle Trail 30
The Highline and Myrtle trails travel through the "Dude Fire" burn. This area is the scene of the most devastating wildfire in Arizona history. This area is ideal for the study of the rejuvenating power. The trail climbs through juniper, Gamble Oak and pine. Because of the Dude Fire and heavy precipitation, this trail is washed out in many locations. Parking is limited at the north trail terminus on Forest Road (FR) 300. There are a few clearings across the road. Be sure to park well off the road because logging trucks may be using this road. Courtesy of Hikearizona.com
Difficulty Level: Most Difficult

North Peak Trail 24
Middle section is very steep. East end is hard to find. West-to-east travel is recommended because of grade. Please note the 2004 Willow Fire leveled this area. Passenger car access is no longer possible. If you are a peak-bagger, this trail is for you! Averaging approximately 1000 feet elevation gain for every mile, this trail does not let up--but it's worth it. This trail takes you up the seldom climbed North Peak, which is the northern-most peak and 3rd highest peak of the Mazatzal range. Only Mazatzal Peak and the Four Peaks are higher. Courtesy Hikearizona.com
Difficulty Level: Most Difficult

Payson Area Trails System
The Payson Area Trails System (PATS) is an in-progress, interconnecting trail system utilizing detached pathways, existing sidewalks, and bike lanes in Payson to form an interior trail network. These interior trails will connect to specific Forest Service roads and trails on Payson’s periphery providing a more rustic trail-user experience.
Difficulty Level: Varies

Pine Canyon Trail 26
This trail travels through a peaceful and verdant canyon below the Rim. Rocky Mountain maples, alders and oaks abound near the creek. Mixed conifers spread out on the canyon walls. Several dripping springs make Pine Canyon the epitome of a storybook setting abundant with yellow columbines and scarlet monkey flowers.
Difficulty Level: More Difficult

Pocket Trail 38
The Pocket trail starts near the Soldier Camp / Soldier Camp creek. There’s a #38 trail sign off-of FR134 (close to the Soldier camp/Soldier camp creek) The first ~1.6 miles is an old Jeep road that fades in and out. At the Wilderness boundary the road turns into an old ATV trail, then it fades out completely. The views are just amazing the closer you get to the Tonto Creek. Courtesy Hikearizona.com
Difficulty Level: Difficult

Promontory Trail 278
Promontory trail is a challenging hike up a very steep and brushy trail. It should be traveled with caution. Attractions include: A grassy meadow perched above the Mogollon Rim. There are spectacular vistas of the country below. Estimated hiking time: 1 hour, one-way. The south end is at highline Trail between Horton Spring Trail and Derrick Trail; the north ends st Forest Route 76B, above the Mogollon Rim.
Difficulty Level: Difficult

Pump Station Trail 296
Homesteaders created this trail to provide access to the Highline Trail. It has been rebuilt by Boy Scouts. The pump, from which the trail receives its name, pumps water from the Blue Ridge Reservoir, above the Mogollon Rim, into the East Verde River, to replace water used by Phelps Dodge Corporation for mining purposes in southern Arizona. Courtesy of Hikearizona.com
Difficulty Level: Easy

Saddle Ridge Trail 14
Located in the northeast part of the Mazatzal Wilderness area. Passes through a large pinyon-juniper forest. Crosses the East Verde River near LF Ranch. The condition of the trail varies from satisfactory to very poor. Currently, this trail is advised only for skilled hikers (those with good navigation and GPS skills). It is always advised to contact the Payson Ranger District in advance for an update on this trail: 928-474-7900.
Difficulty Level: Most Difficult

Sandy Saddle Trail 231
This trail provides an option to the upper two miles of Barnhardt Trail and makes a connection along the Mazatzal Divide that is perfect for hikers aiming for Horse Camp Seep and/or Deadman Falls. It can be combined with Barnhardt to do a challenging 15 mile dayhike or any number of longer loops involving Rock Creek Trail or even some of the western trails (see Club Cabin for inspiration).
Difficulty Level: More Difficult

See Canyon Trail 184 & See Spring Trail 185
A short but challenging trail that offers a variety of plant life and sights. Especially pretty in the fall when maple, aspen and oak show their fall colors. Idyllic setting along Christopher Creek, lined with mint, fern and grasses. This is a challenging, primitive trail. It is washed away in places and the final 2 miles have frequent steep climbs. Generally water may be found for the first 2 miles only. The trail crosses Christopher Creek, which is subject to flooding. If it has been raining, it is best to avoid this trail. The See Spring Trail 185 branches off the See Canyon Trail 184 and dead-ends at the spring.
Difficulty Level: Most Difficult

Sinkhole Trail 179
The upper portion of this trail follows the original military road built by General George Crook. While building the road, the army came upon a sinkhole and used it as a water stop. A fissure later caused this to become a dry hole. The trail climbs through juniper, Gamble oak and pine. Higher in the dense pine forest are spectacular views of the country below.
Difficulty Level: More Difficult

Tonto Natural Bridge Trails
Four trails lead down into the canyon, offering views of fascinating rock formations and incredible textures carved out of stone by time. The park is one of the few areas where pine trees and cactus grow alongside one another.
Once you make it to the bottom – the trails are steep and strenuous but worth the effort – you’ll be awed by what you see. The main attraction is the 400-foot-long tunnel created by the bridge. The tunnel is 150 feet across at its widest.
Difficulty Level: Less Difficult

West Webber Trail 228
A shady, serene trail that scales the steep sided Mogollon Rim. Webber Creek was named after the chief packer for the army outfit that mapped the Tonto Basin area. The area is particularly colorful in the fall. From Geronimo Trailhead, hike west on the Highline Trail 31 for approximately ¼ mile to Geronimo Trail 240. Follow it for 2 miles to the junction with Turkey Trail 217. Follow Trail 217 approximately 1/4 mile to West Webber Trail.
Difficulty Level: More Difficult

White Hills Route
Scenery varies from grasslands to piñon pine and includes the riparian habitat associated with the East Verde River. Route ends in the vicinity of the East Verde River. Check current/forecasted weather conditions at Ranger District before using, as recent snows can cause problems with road surface conditions. Also, thunderstorms and subsequent runoff can raise the water level of the East Verde River significantly in a short amount of time.
Difficulty Level: Difficult