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Gila County
Looking for a place to expand, relocate or start your business? Arizona Commerce Authority reports our labor force at 21,000, with labor a pool of 6,135 in Payson and 4,724 in Globe. Gila County covers 4,796 square miles; mining and ranching were pillars of our economy during the first half of the 20th century.
Education, health care, tourism, retail and construction now employ more of our diverse workforce – but 30 ranches continue to manage some 15,000 cattle and Copper’s luster remains an industry employing 2,960 (source: AZ Mining Association).
Mineral deposits brought miners in 1874 when silver was discovered in Globe – eclipsed within a decade by vast deposits of copper. Dig into online databases listing Arizona mines and you’ll find an impressive 641 mines across Gila County and from A-to-Z. That is, from the Abbie & Ross Mine (copper, gold, lead, silver) to the Zulu Mine near Rye. 641 mines!
Since 1972, our Industrial Development Authority has expanded economic development, business enterprise, and tourism. Explore the IDA website to read more about the city of Globe, 87 miles east of Phoenix and at the crossroads of highways 60, 70 and 77 – or Payson, a 90-minute drive from Phoenix on the recently-expanded four-lane ‘Beeline Highway,’ also boasting a municipal airport with maintenance facilities, hangars, scenic flights, and charters.