We want to know what you know about these old time saloons in Gila County! We know a lot of you have a lot of stories about living in Payson & Rim Country. If you have a story to tell about one of the following saloon’s we would love to hear it! Leave your story in the comment box at the bottom of this page!
1) Henry Sidles – 1882 (Bootleg Alley)
2) August Pieper – Saloon and Brewery 1888 (Bootleg Alley)
3) Austin Lockwood – 1898 (building was located west of Tammy Hall)
4) J W Wentworth – had Tammany Hall – he married there in 1890; Sis Haught married Henry Garrels there in 1913 (located where Grady’s 2nd garage was later located).
5) Art Gibson – 16 to 1 Saloon (1900-1922)
6) Billy Hilligass – bought 16 to 1 from Art Gibson
7) Frank Herron – owned “Cowboy’s Home” (part of Herron Hotel) 1890s
8) Guy Barkdoll – Barkdoll Dancehall and Saloon 1900 (site of Winchester)
9) Oxbow built in 1932 by Willie Wade.
10) Was liquor served at the Lone Pine?
Wash Gibson – Rim Country History lists him as a Saloon owner- which one?
Ask Don Gibson.
For more Gila County history visit discovergilacounty.com/history