Explore Knoll Lake on the Mogollon Rim

Knoll Lake

Are the mountains calling? There is nothing quite like an adventure to a new lake, river, or trail in Gila County. With hundreds of jaw-dropping destinations throughout the County there is always something new to see even for the most frequent adventurers.

One of those destinations hidden along the famous Mogollon Rim is Knoll Lake.

This secluded forest lake attracts visitors for a number of reasons. Surrounded by ponderosa pines, with a picturesque island in its middle, Knoll Lake provides a scenic setting in which to enjoy your canoe or other small boat. Fishing is good here too, offering rainbow, brown and brook trout.

If the fish aren’t biting, you’ll definitely want to take a tour of the nearby Mogollon Rim. This two thousand foot escarpment marks the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau and drops from cool highlands to low deserts in a picturesque, stomach wrenching plunge.

Mogollon Rim

The lake covers approximately 75 acres and is about 50 feet deep.

If you love breathtaking views, a quiet place in the pines, or great fishing this is the destination for you!

Here are some important things to consider before your trip to Knoll Lake:

Fish Species at Knoll Lake

  • Rainbow Trout
  • Brown Trout
  • Brook Trout.

Best Fishing Strategies at Knoll Lake

Powerbait, Worms, and Corn have been successful methods of catching. Fish deep at Knoll, the lakes depth hides some huge lunker trout. Boating Options at Knoll Lake

Knoll Lake

Boat motors are restricted to electric motors only.  For boating please remember to have life jackets, and a boating permit before getting out on the lake. Knoll Lake also serves as a great place to kayak and paddle board on the cool, calm waters.

Camping Options at Knoll Lake

It includes 30 single-unit camping sites for up to 8 campers and 3 double campsites for up to 16 people. Each camping site includes a picnic table, fire ring, and cooking grills. Potable water, vault toilets and a boat ramp is for common use. Tent and RV camping is permitted. A 32-foot maximum length for RVs and trailers apply. Nominal fees are charged and subject to change without prior notice. Directions

From Payson. Take Highway 260 past Kohl’s Ranch and Christopher Creek to Forest Road 300 (Rim Road). Take Rim Road to Forest Road 295E and turn right (north) and drive to Knoll Lake. ​ From Flagstaff:  Take Highway 3 (Lake Mary Rd) south 55 miles to Clints Well. Turn left (northeast) on Highway 87. Drive 10 miles to Forest Road 95 which is just past the Blue Ridge Ranger District. Turn right and go 6 miles to FR 96 veering left and travel 2 miles to FR 321. Turn right and drive 10 miles to FR 300 (Rim Road). Turn left (east) and go 4 miles to FR 295E. Turn left again and proceed to Knoll Lake.

What are you waiting for?

Have Fun #ExploringTheWild and make sure to tag us on Instagram and Facebook @discovergilacounty. We would love to see your adventures!


Author: admin

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