Potato Lake is a lake located just 8.2 miles from Pine, Arizona and is more of a place to hold a picturesque picnic rather than trying to catch the monster rainbow mountain trout. There are some fish in the lake and flycasters have pretty good luck on this lake.
What makes this lake so beautiful is the setting. In late fall all of the aspen trees that surround the lake turn colors. This mixed with the bright green from the stand of ponderosa pines really make this lake a great photo opp.
It is a great lake for families who want to relax and let the kids play in the water. Bring your small boat, canoe, or paddleboard and let the kids have a blast.
Fish Species Limited Rainbow Trout
Fishing Strategy Spinning, fly fishing or baitcasting are all possible. The best response seems to be on fly’s.
Boating Options Electric or people powered boats only.
Camping Options There are some primitive areas around this lake where you can camp but no formal campsites.
Directions From Payson, go 27.7 miles north on State Route 87 to Forest Road 300 (Rim Road) near mile marker 281. Go 1.7 miles on FR 300 to FR 9362T on the left. If you have a high-clearance vehicle, descend about 0.1 mile on the rough dirt road and park in the primitive campground. The hike begins at the “road closed” sign at the north end of the site.